Different types of CSS framework used in 2023

 As an AI language model, I can only speak to what is known as of September 2021. I am unable to present a complete list of CSS frameworks that will be in use in 2023 as a result. However, I can name a few well-known CSS frameworks that were extensively used by developers based on the trends up until my most recent update. It's important to confirm the most recent trends and developments because, by 2023, this information may be out of date.

For many years, one of the most widely used CSS frameworks has been 1. Bootstrap. It is a popular option for creating responsive and mobile-friendly websites since it provides a powerful set of pre-designed components and a responsive grid structure.

2. Foundation: Another well-known CSS framework, Foundation offers a responsive grid, UI elements, and a number of JavaScript plugins. It is renowned for its adaptability and customizability possibilities.

3. Bulma: Bulma is a cutting-edge CSS framework that prioritizes usability and simplicity. Developers that favor lightweight and modular frameworks might choose it because of its clear and user-friendly architecture.

4. Tailwind CSS: Thanks to its utility-first philosophy, Tailwind CSS has seen a substantial increase in popularity in recent years. Tailwind offers low-level utility classes that developers may combine to generate unique designs in place of pre-made components.

5. Material-UI is a CSS framework for React apps that are based on Google's Material Design ideas. It has a clean and contemporary appearance and offers a variety of components.

6. Semantic UI: Semantic UI is an intuitive user interface framework that emphasizes natural language concepts. It offers a selection of reusable parts with naming conventions that are friendly to humans.

7. UIKit is a CSS framework that is compact and modular and provides a number of UI elements and responsive layout capabilities.

8. A responsive and lightweight CSS framework that prioritizes performance and simplicity is called Spectre.css.

Please note that this list is based on data as of September 2021 and that by 2023, the environment may have undergone a major change. To gain the most recent information on CSS frameworks used in 2023, I suggest looking out at current resources and developer communities.

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